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Give Me A F'ing Break!!!!!
guys i'd just like to put it out there that i consider you all friends and top shelf human beings.  while we all may argue, and it does get rather heated at times, let's all remember that we're arguing the validity or innaccuracy of positions that we hold not of ourselves as people.  no one should ever feel hurt by any words spoken here on stogiechat discussing politics.  in the end we're all friends and have all treated eachother with the utmost of regard.  just because i don't agree with someone else doesn't mean i hold them in any less regard nor does bob, tommy, or anyone else who's played along here.  if anything i give you all the more credit for publicly stating your beliefs, sticking to your guns, and taking the slings and arrows of those who see things differently.  never should you be offended by any response because a response is a sign of respect for your position in the other feeling the need to address it.  the ultimate disrespect is to be ignored. 

in the end all of us have a piece of the puzzle.  only through passionate discourse can we hone the answer to it's perfected form through an amalgam of all positions.

like hegel said there is the thesis, then the antithesis then the synthesis.

my dad is the king liberal and the last of the honest to god hippies.  he marched with king, campaigned with kennedy, was actually at woodstock, serves with the naacp and so on.  i'm an arch conservative and believe in rugged individualism and politics from the barrel of a gun.  i love him to death. i just don't want him to run the country.  no harm no foul.  just a different opinion.  Smile


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