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What kind of music do you smoke/ drink to?
I say smoke/ drink because Im not an every day smoker---yet.  Been smoking cigars 20 plus years and my stand by was Sinatra.  Today I have evolved into a lot of different stuff but lately I tend to love stuff like this guy,  Kenny Wayne Sheppard, who Is a MOPAR GUY like me going back decades.  

So what do you like to listen to when to have a stogie and a glass of what ever?


PS, when is the next Vegas herf, I may have to go.
Good question.

For me it depends on my mood at the moment, I tend to put together a play list & play them at random, not a whole album side, but lately it's been stuff like these:

If Sonny had EZ-Pass, he'd have survived that hit...
Never apologize mister, it's a sign of weakness. - Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles
If Sonny had EZ-Pass, he'd have survived that hit...
Never apologize mister, it's a sign of weakness. - Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles
If Sonny had EZ-Pass, he'd have survived that hit...
Never apologize mister, it's a sign of weakness. - Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles
If Sonny had EZ-Pass, he'd have survived that hit...
Never apologize mister, it's a sign of weakness. - Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles
If Sonny had EZ-Pass, he'd have survived that hit...
Never apologize mister, it's a sign of weakness. - Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles
I usually listen to one of the over 30 podcasts I subscribe to on a variety of topics, or I'll watch tv/movies on my ipad.

I'm 60's and 70's music guy but I also listen to Cigar Jukebox podcast.

Check out this thread:
They call me The Mum - Jimmie the Mum
Viva Mumcero - Mahk 12/4/2010 -
Honorary Shield Brother
Weak people seek Revenge, Strong people Forgive, Intelligent people Ignore
I only put on a certain type of music for one purpose, if you catch my drift. Otherwise I'm all over the board, but mostly modern/alternative rock.

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