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Oliva Serie O Torpedo
Again many thanks to Eric for letting me participate in this.


The cigar displayed a alluring and consistent leathery tan appearance with no veins of consequence.  The wrapper exuded a subtle yet consistent tooth that alluded to a medium grit sand paper.  


Like all Oliva products the cigar appeared to be on par with costlier premium cigars.  The roll was uniformly tight with no soft spots.  Unfortunately the burn left quite a bit to be desired.  The cigar was stored at a religious 65% humidity and allowed to acclimate for forty-five minutes at room temp and humidity before being clipped with a Xikar.  The first approximate two inches burned without issue allowing for a smooth easy draw.  The ash was an inconsistent chalk mottled with darker shades in areas and several prominent fissures.  At the two inch mark the cigar needed to be touched up to correct for burn issues.  The draw became firm to the point of attempting to simulate the Oreck vacuum cleaner ad by giving the impression of sucking a bowling bowl through a straw.  After gentle massaging did not relieve the plug a draw poker was utilized to free the obstruction.  The draw improved somewhat but the burn again needed multiple touch-ups to the approximate five eights mark where it again became plugged to the point of extinguishment.  Again the draw poker was utilized to clear the impedement.  At this point the cigar burned freely and the seemingly non-existent smoke began to flow freely from the remaining cigar until it's completion.

At no point did the ash display any conical appearances breaking in a jagged fashion that only seemed to further exacerbate the burn issues.    

The cigar burned cooly throughout with no warmth to the mouth, tongue or lips.

Flavor and Strength:

The prelight draw and aroma was sweet caramel with a hint of nut not unlike a mellow Cracker-Jack flavor. 

The cigar tasted predominantly of this sweet caramel flavor throughout almost to the point of boredom.  Toward the finish it began to offer hints of a muted coffee with cream flavor but the constant burn and plug issues prevented any momentum in flavor and thereby any lasting impressions. 

At no point was the flavor bitter or harsh but rather mellow to the point of being insipid and thereby making the experience as a whole seem interminable.  

General Comments:

As I enjoyed the old Omnis I was eagerly anticipating the opportunity to explore this cigar.  My disappointment could be no more profound.  Construction issues aside the flavor from this cigar was less than captivating as I have come to enjoy fuller bodied cigars such as the Brazilia and LFD Double Ligero lines.  I am assuming that this is the same blend as the old Series O though I could detect no similarities between the two.  If I am incorrect in this assumption please disregard this assumption.  Perhaps the maduro version would taste closer to the originals. 

In general and in consideration that this cigar's performance issues were an anomaly, this would appear to be a cigar that those enjoying mild to medium blends would enjoy. Pound for pound however, I believe there to be several more attractive options on the market in this flavor category. 

I'm sorry guys.  I hate to bash this cigar but I have to be honest. 
I will just stick my review in here so we can keep everyones opinions together on one thread. I smoked this bad boy yesterday and I tend to agee with most of the comments Rob has made. I thought the construction was not to bad . The pre-light draw was great but I thought that the pre-light flavors were lacking. The cigar burned nice but I did find that it got pretty soft in spots as it heated up. I enjoyed the spicy background complimented with all of the woody flavors. It burned nice and slow and did not get to hot. IMO I found the cigar to be pretty 1 dimensional meaning that it never seemed to change its characteristics even as I got closer to the end. The ash held on like a champ and burned great the entire time. I think Olivia puts out some good products and has been improving on many of the lines they are introducing. Overall I think I liked the Serie S better but for an everyday around the yard smoke they would  not be bad.

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