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> Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California .
> White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language.

> Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States.
> Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped.

> Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage
> Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.

> France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica.  No other country comes forward to help the beleaguered nation!
> Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.
> George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.
> Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.
> 85-year $75.8 billion study: Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss.

> Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.
> Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in Mexifornia and Floruba.

> Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut.

> Abortion clinics now available in every High School in United States .
> Senate still blocking drilling in ANWR even though gas is selling for 4532 Pesos per liter and gas stations are only open on Tuesdays and Fridays.
> Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.
> Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.
> Average height of NBA players is now nine feet, seven inches with only 3 illegitimate children.
> New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2030.
> IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.
> Floruba voters still having trouble with voting machines.

WASHINGTON, DC—On Tuesday, Congress approved the Americans With No Abilities Act, sweeping new legislation that provides benefits and protection for more than 135 million talentless Americans.

The act, signed into law by President Obama shortly after its passage, is being hailed as a major victory for the millions upon millions of U.S. citizens who lack any real skills or uses.

"Roughly 50 percent of Americans—through no fault of their own--do not possess the talent necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in society," said Obama, a longtime ANA supporter. "Their lives are futile hamster-wheel existences of unrewarding, dead-end busywork: xeroxing documents written by others, fulfilling mail-in rebates for Black & Decker toaster ovens, and processing bureaucratic forms that nobody will ever see. Sadly, for these millions of nonabled Americans, the American dream of working hard and moving up through the ranks is simply not a reality."

Under the Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million important-sounding "middle man" positions will be created in the white-collar sector for nonabled persons, providing them with an illusory sense of purpose and ability. Mandatory, non-performance-based raises and promotions will also be offered to create a sense of upward mobility for even the most unremarkable, utterly replaceable employees.
The legislation also provides corporations with incentives to hire nonabled workers, including tax breaks for those who hire one non-germane worker for every two talented hirees.

Finally, the Americans With No Abilities Act also contains tough new measures to prevent discrimination against the nonabled by banning prospective employers from asking such job-interview questions as, "What can you bring to this organization?" and "Do you have any special skills that would make you an asset to this company?"
"As a nonabled person, I frequently find myself unable to keep up with co-workers who have something going for them," said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her position as an unessential filing clerk at a Minneapolis tile wholesaler last month because of her lack of notable skills. "This new law should really help people like me."

With the passage of the Americans With No Abilities Act, Gertz and millions of other untalented, inessential citizens can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Said Obama: "It is our duty, both as lawmakers and as human beings, to provide each and every American citizen, regardless of his or her lack of value to society, some sort of space to take up in this great nation."


Now some may say that these two posts are way over-the-top!  But the best way to illustrate absurdity is with absurdity.   KUDOS!

The great LZ6 once told me our country is being sold down the river.  We are on the slow road to tyranny.  And once we lose our liberty, it will be all but impossible to get it back!

Those who we sent to Washington to serve "We the People"; have become themselves, the very instruments of tyranny that our Government is supposed to protect us from!  They have become elite Statists hell bent on keeping their poltical power.

The U.S Constitution tells us that we are endowed by our Creator unalienable rights.  Among them the rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.   And that all men are created equal.

Now equality means we all have equal opportunities in this country.   Our Government is supposed to use the tenets of the U.S. Consitution to protect our equal rights.   However, because we are all indiviuals we are all different.  We are all going to "have" or "have not" because of our individualism.  No two people are alike.  No two work ethics are alike.  No two people build a bridge or build a chair the same way.  Some just naturally do it better than other's.

Instead, now things have shifted.  Out of equality the Statists in our Government are redistributing wealth out of "equality".   And all this does is infringe on those who currently reap the benefits of the fruits of their labor.

We have limited time on this earth.  Our labor is representative of our time and what we have done.  Our labor provides for our families and general well being.

When we are excessively taxed at higher rates than other's, even though we pay more in taxes in general, and nearly 50% don't even pay taxes, this is an unauthorized acquisition of our labor in life.   So are we really free?   Think about it!   I must labor more so other's do not have to labor?

I am told that I stepped on somebody to get where I am at!  But who is getting stepped on?   And really, have I ever gotten a job from a poor person?  Did I steal an invalids wheelchair from him and hawk it to make my tuition payment?  Did I give him excessive drugs and alcohol in high school to keep his grades down so I could take his spot in college, which I had to pay for because my Dad worked and I did not qualify for college assistance?

Did I keep the "poor" person of today out of athletics when we were young so I could have a college recruiter look at me instead?  I did not see the "poor" person at my side in the weight room for hours on end.  

Then there are those who got free money to go to college!   Where were they at in the library in the wee hours of the night.  How did I possibly step on them and keep them from studying?  At graduation where were they?   Sleeping in I suppose!

Did I take their paper and resume when I applied for my first job?   In the interview did I tell my potential employer not to hire them?  No!  I convinced my employer based on my communication and my skills.

And when I worked hard and bought my first nice car and eventually my house, how did I keep them from that very car or house?  I did not step on them!   I am sure that the car dealership can get that exact car on the lot for them to buy also!   So how did I keep them from it?

In fact its they who are keeping me from a little nicer car myself.  And they keep me from a larger house I would like to give to my family because of the excessive taxes I have to pay to fund their free time!  Time that they don't prioritize properly for themselves!   I must relinquist my labor on this earth.  I am but a blink of an eye in time and its being taken away from me because I have to labor more for them.

And instead of looking within themselves, they look to the elite Statist for help.   But despite all this, I contribute $100/month to my church!  I have my time in the flood to help those in need but yet I am sure somebody will say I stepped upon others.

This past Fall we took 4 newer North Face jackets to the Salvation Army.  A new refugee family moved into the neighborhood and needed winter clothing.  I gave them the best I had, albiet not new but newer, outgrown by my own kids, but well cared for!

During Christmas we must have felt guilty at stepping on others because we gave rides to church for a hot meal and so the "poor" kids could pick out one of many wrapped presents, that my wife spent hours of her labor helping to wrap so some children could enjoy Christmas. 

I look at these poor kids, but see their parents.  And it a very short time I can see the very things that keep them down, and its not me.  In fact, I am the person who wants everyone in life to succeed.  I try to inspire them, give them joy, make them laugh.  I am one of the intruments to help make sure they can at least smile at Christmas.

But the very Statist who they look to puts them into groups and tells them they are not good enough.  For one reason or another another they have been held down because of the group they belong to.  Hence all the "isms" in life!

Then the Statist tells us all we are not good enough.  We cannot make our own decisions.  We must eat what they tell us to eat and when to eat it.   And then tell the restaurant what can and cannot be served.

Now today, they raise the taxes on cigar but tell us that I cannot smoke it in the cigar bar?

Its time for a Tea Party!

Your post has compelled me to go home and watch "V for Vendetta" again.
Great post Tank. 

The people in life who really try to have a good life usually do.  While not everyone will wind up a millionaire, it is not hard to keep food on the table, a roof over your head, a car in the garage, and a cell phone in your pocket.  Sure, you might struggle from time to time, but on the whole, being successful is only as hard as trying.  Everyone I know who can't do the above only fail because they don't show up to work, refuse to go to school, or can't get along with others. 

The crazy part is, most people who think they are poor have an incredible lifestyle compared to fairly wealthy people less than a century ago.  Think about all of the poor people who are fat (because they have no problems affording food), have a cell phone (a luxury people could have scarcely conceived of a century ago),  have an air conditioned house and car, and get drunk every night. 

Vitamin G Wrote:Your post has compelled me to go home and watch "[color="red"]V for Vendetta[/color]" again.
I love that movie.  It's the only movie I've ever recorded on my DVR that has stayed longer than a week.  I watch it about once a month, and always enjoy it. 
Vitamin G Wrote:Your post has compelled me to go home and watch "V for Vendetta" again.


My buddy works for a credit couselling agency!   Many are unemployed or just don't make much money.  And when it comes time to help them streamline their finances the same old lines come up:


We won't give up our 1-3 packs of cigarettes per day.

I cannot live without my cell phone.

I must have my broadband internet access.

You cannot expect me not to eat out at least once a month.

I won't give up cable television. 

I was fortunate enough to get a Best Buy credit card  but I won't cut it up!

Yeah I should drive downgrade to a Chevy Chevette but I really like my 4x4!

Since I won't give up my 4x4 I cut other things for the gas.
Tank, when I think of people such as that I always think of a certain friend of mine... let's call him Joe.

Joe is a really fun guy to have around.  He is always smiling, he is entertaining, always willing to chat... basically a fun guy to have at parties.  However, he has a definite problem with "priority management". 

This little ditty starts about a two years ago.  Joe basically had everything an early-twenties guy could want: he had a good job making a decent wage (more than me at the time), he was renting a room in a VERY nice house with a couple of his/my other friends, a brand new zoomy car, plenty of video games, movies, beer, cigarettes, and various other mind-altering substances to keep him happy.  Then he started having money trouble.

After about six months, he started complaining about being broke.  He wasn't starving, and he was making rent, but he didn't seem to have much pocket change.  He casually mentioned that he was slacking off at work, and he laughed it off.  He has plenty to drink and smoke, and new video games.  He got a speeding ticket.  He isn't worried, but he says he's making changes.

A few months later, he is still complaining about being broke.  He was making rent, but his diet had basically become to EasyMac and white rice.  He laughed as he told us he was being written up at work.  He has plenty to drink and smoke, and more video games, and a new laptop.  He just got another speeding ticket.  He talks for hours on the things he is going to do to change it.

More time passes.  He is borrowing from friends to make rent \, which he manages to pay back... at first (I had no problem with it... let's just say I'm an "enforcer" type.  Some other friends weren't so lucky).  He eats three or four times a week if nobody else feeds him.  He got a written warning of dismissal at work.  He has plenty to drink and smoke, and his video game collection is astounding.  His tickets have gone to warrant.  He's still talking, but nobody listens to him anymore.

Most recently, he has moved back in with his parents because he could not afford rent.  His roomates refused to co-sign a loan with him so he could pay rent.  He had dropped 40 pounds as a result of not eating, and had started to lose teeth.  He was suspended for two weeks without pay and demoted at his work (not fired, for some reason) for constantly showing up late and slacking off at work, which cuts his pay nearly in half.  His car was repossessed.  I don't know the status of his tickets, but something tells me if he gets pulled over he's in trouble.  He still smokes two packs a day, goes out to bars almost every night of the week, buys sparkly new electronics any time he sees one, and has upped his "other substance" intake, and most of his friends want nothing to do with him.


He's still talking...


I could only hope.....heck, Im gonna apply for duel citizenship just to be on the safe side if the boat goes under.



Daryn, LZ6 was right, they are selling this country off like a scrap metal. Who are these people who have lost their way and have betrayed their own people by not upholding their rights and listening to the smug 10% wealth owners set after only retaining their wealth? These are Americans, who came from american homes and american schools, from our own society. No one will say this, but we produce this, we let these vain, no gut, 300 dollar haircut motha f-ers into office and we expect something other than crap. Our society is like an overweight fool eating nothing but fast food, crap goes in and crap will come out. I enjoyed that Nextel commercial where firefighters are legislators and take care of business in minutes. We need leaders, we need people, we need real change. I hope that in the next couple years the dust settles, but if it doesnt, we might have to move out the freken desert to find water.
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