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Full Version: Where.....
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So....where has everyone gone???????

I mean...I know that its the holidays....and while not only ridiculously stressful, its a very busy time for a lot of us.

I'm just not seeing a lot of people posting anymore.  Jimmie, Tonto, Maytag....and thats about it recently.

C'mon guys...we're SC!
It is the holidays & we are usually slower this time of year.
I never thought my 6 grandkids would keep me this busy plus a ton of doctor appointments.
Ha, ill try to do more.
Heh.....I'm a lurker. I read everything, rarely reply.

I'm making an effort to be more active....As it would seem hypocritical to ask this, and then not chat more. Smile
yeah, sorry i don't have time to post today.
Yeah I don't have the time to post every day like I used to with work and everything. The posts do tend to come in cycles for sure.