I've been traveling a bunch lately, and wanted to share some of my experience. I have been downloading all of Bill's podcasts, and I must say, they make s great travel companion! Not only do I get to sit back, close my eyes, and listen to the soothing voice that is Maytagman, but I get to learn, and create a want list right there cruising at 31k feet!
I'm sure everyone here is a frequent listener, but if you are not, you must check it out!!!
yeah, good stuff, each episode is getting better and better
Thanks Tim and the rest of you guys!
It is a labor of love - it may not be the most polished, but it is fun for my technological side, and it actually gets me to smoke a few cigars that I ordinarily probably wouldn't.
I think that my sound quality is pretty good, and I am linking my short format - I figured I would do something that would fit what I was looking for that I didn't really see out there.
Leave voicemails or send feedback - I would love to include you guys in future episodes!
I just got an email from a new listener in the south of France... who would have ever though my dulcet tones would reach Europe?
I appreciate it!
(11-16-2011, 02:19 PM)CigarJohn Wrote: [ -> ]Big brother Bill rocks!
Everyone is big compared to you...
Back on topic... I really enjoy Cigar Snapshot. I don't usually stay current with the episodes but they are short so i can do a couple in a sitting and catch up.
I've only listened to one so far and I've really enjoyed it. I'll be back for more. Thanks and keep it up!