Beerlord Wrote:today was slightly better becasue I though i cold sleep all day tomorrow, foudn out we have to be at a different hospital at 0600 so she can be induced:?
Dan- you never mentioned this (that I saw, at least)!?
Best wishes, and please let us know how it goes once you get a minute!
I pretty much wake up about 5:45 every weekday morning, and head out of the house by 6:30 or so. Eventually make it to work at about's a long commute. But, I'm home by 4:15 pretty much everyday.
I'm to the point now where I can pretty much wake up on my own without needing an alarm clock. Unfortuantely, that can be a bad thing cause it makes it hard to sleep in on days when I don't have to work.
Beerlord Wrote:today was slightly better becasue I though i cold sleep all day tomorrow, foudn out we have to be at a different hospital at 0600 so she can be induced:?
Well Congrats and I hope everything goes smooth. Two of my kids where induced and it went really smooth other than the fast and frequent contractions.
Everything went well today, i posted a pic inthe new section, Baby Boy Zachary 8.6 lbs. I thought i mentioned it? No?
And Dub, 80 hrs a week workign for sombody else? I hope your making over $200K.
Beerlord Wrote:How the hell do yo people get up early every day to go to work, I hd to get up at 5 am to be at work today at 630 for a new job, have to do it tomorrow adn friday too. I'm nauseaus, disoriented, and grumpy. I dot'n know how you guys do it day to day.
LOL-I honestly believe that there are "morning" and "non-morning" people. I'm the former, the wife is the latter. I get up at 5:30 a.m. but will ake up earlier quite often. A dump-truck hitting the house wouldn't jar the wife from sleep at that time.
Sorry to hear about the workplace being as it is. I have it
very good and can't complain. It's never too late to look at better options and that's what I did. M previous employer hired an administrator who had some *control* issues and got to the nitt-gritty about dress code(i.e.-no jeans on fridays, that kind of anal retentive crap.) While I got along fine with her, a pent-up and agitated workplace isn't what I wanted in the work environment. I left, received a salary promotion, and to top it off, was chosen as president and lead negotiator for our local association. My former colleagues are still miserable.
Seriously-LOOK ELSEWHERE, you might be surprised to find out there are greener pastures.