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No, not cigars.. YOU!

I just saw the most incredible thing... A bunch of scientists were explaining how the body works. Talked about how your brain produces various protein chains based upon emotion. And how every cell gets to "taste" these emotions...


They went on to explain that if a cell is constantly bombarded with 1 type of emotion or protein, it will mutate when it splits or replicates itself. The new version will have more receptors for this protein. Therefore less receptors for other stuff. Like elasticity (you know how stressed out old people have leathery skin). You become less able to sense other emotions. You become manic at a physiological level.


Good lord... I need to do some serious thinking.
I have no idea what you said, but it sounds deep.  I think I  better light up a cigar and mull it over for a while.  Oh yeah, and pour myself a Scotch.  You too, Skip.  Cheers!

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