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Life can be Bittersweet
Hi folks...I'm having somewhat of a "strange" day thus far. I am struggling a lil with some emotions as I have had an extremely emotionally draining month. My wife’s grandfather passed away and she had it a li’l rough for a bit. A week later, my brother-in-law had another heart procedure, the same day, my mom went in to the hospital because her epiglottis was so swollen she was rendered unable to swallow or to breathe. She was also found to have some pneumonia. She is still there and because she has multiple sclerosis, she is in a weakened and perpetually compromised state. She had an overwhelming feeling the other night that it was her time to go and she was scared and said a prayer asking God not to take heer yet because she needs to see/speak to us kids, dad, etc....she reports feeling much stronger following that prayer and improved slightly the next day but is going back downhill. The scary thing is that because of the MS - any stupid thing can become fatal.
Anyway - despite all that I have just expressed, I am truly blessed in so many ways and life is good.
Thanks for providing a place for me to express my feelings. Love yas all!
Cigar Art here -
You are having a tough time Eric! I hope it all improves soon, you and yours will be in my prayers. 
"God is a havana smoker, I've see his gray clouds"
Thoughts and prayers to you and yours, Eric.
What's the point in arguing or trying to make sense of something that is lost?
Eric, My prayers go out to you and yours
Eric, we are here for you. Thoughts and prayers for you and yours.
Thanks, all -- I am good - really. I am just emotionally exhausted today . My supervisor today tolsd me to take an "extended lunch" so that I could visit mom in the ICU. No real changes, but no changes means no changes for the worst, right? Mom's a freakin superhero - This I have known for a long time. Your thoughts and prayers are so appreciated.

Thanks, guys. I need a smoke.
Cigar Art here -
As always our thoughts and prayers go out to any bro in need. As everything happens for a reason we never know, it is obvious she did well with you. Hang tough because she is fighting not for her, but for those in her life not wanting to leave behind.T

We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered.

Thoughts are with you. Stay strong please.
They call me The Mum - Jimmie the Mum
Viva Mumcero - Mahk 12/4/2010 -
Honorary Shield Brother
Weak people seek Revenge, Strong people Forgive, Intelligent people Ignore
good luck and gods blessing
Keep those prayers coming -- mom just went on a ventilator - i am on my way to the hospital.
Cigar Art here -

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